

Implies apparent failure of a couple to conceive after 1yr of unprotected and regular intercourse.

Primary Infertility - If conception has never occurred.

Secondary Infertility - If the patient fails to conceive after having previous Conception.

Pathology of Infertility :

  • 1/3 Male factors
  • 1/3 both factors
  • 1/3 Female factors

Male Facts - 30 - 40% :

  1. Disorder of Sperm Production
  2. Disorder of Sperm motility
  3. Obtrusive disorder
  4. Sexual Dysfunction

Female Facts :

  1. Tubal facts - Disease of fallopian tubes, Infection of the tubes which cause tubal blockage, e.g chlamydias trachomatis infection, Septic abortion peuparal infection
  2. Uterine Cause - Developmental defects of uterus, Tuberculosis, Huge uterine fibroid
  3. Ovarian Cause - PCOD, Ovarian Cyst
  4. Peritoneal Cause - Peritoneal Adhesion, PIO, Endometriosis
  5. Hormonal imbalance - Causes Anovulation, Hyper insulinemia

Diagnosis :

  1. Clinical Examination
  2. Investigations - Hormonal studies, Ultrasonography, Ovulation Test, Tubal Patency Test (HSG), Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Treatment : is based on type of disorder

  1. Tubal Disorder - Tubal Canalisation Surgery, IVF
  2. For Uterine Factor - Laparoscopy
  3. Ovarian Factor - Medicine, Laparoscopy

Male infertility :